neon sculpture and neon art installations by artist Ehlenberger including modern and contemporary artwork, sconces and neon clocks
artist working in neon art & neon sculpture



Edge of Light Triptych


"Edge of Light Series"  neon art, sculpture gallery

Edge of Light Triptych
48" x 12" x 6" x 3
aluminum, silicone, neon


This series, contrasting the “Edge of Darkness” series, explores the feelings of hope or optimism and the accompanying sense of floating, cloudlike, above the forces that can, at times, push one in unsought and undesirable directions.They also reflect an analogy to the contemplative forms found in Japanese rock gardens, an important aesthetic influence on the artist

Edge of Darkness Triptych.



here is a better image illustrating the silicone of the first piece on the left:

"Edge of Light I"  neon art, sculpture gallery




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