neon sculpture and neon art installations by artist Ehlenberger including modern and contemporary artwork, sconces and neon clocks
artist working in neon art & neon sculpture


Portable Tectonic X

 "Portable Tectonic", exhibited in this virtual neon art gallery exhibition of neon sculpture and neon art installations
view of Portable Tectonic X with case

 "Portable Tectonic", exhibited in this virtual neon art gallery exhibition of neon sculpture and neon art installations
light view of Portable Tectonic X

 "Portable Tectonic", exhibited in this virtual neon art gallery exhibition of neon sculpture and neon art installations
dark view of Portable Tectonic X

Portable Tectonic X
 25” x 17” x 6”
aluminum, neon, glass

Portable Tectonic X is portable: powered by battery or 110V house current, it is designed with an aluminum carrying case to provide protection while traveling. Produced by Ehlenberger for traveling display use, it is an example of the versatility of the media. Like the other Tectonics, it is made up of multiple distinct layers each providing a sense of movement and interaction with one another. It is about stability(the white central piece) and the multitude of forces constantly influencing and affecting change. The background is brushed aluminum and the foreground pieces are aluminum painted in opaque white as well as translucent blue with neon units sandwiched between, casting their distinctive glows of luminous color.


Tectonic Series



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