neon sculpture and neon art installations by artist Ehlenberger including modern and contemporary artwork, sconces and neon clocks
artist working in neon art & neon sculpture


Venusian Swamp Gardens

"Venusian Swamp Garden I" sculpture, exhibited in this New Orleans art gallery exhibition of neon sculpture and neon art installations
Venusian Swamp Garden I
36" x 18," height: 12"-36"
oak, neon, cast and blown glass

"Venusian Swamp Garden II" sculpture, exhibited in this New Orleans art gallery exhibition of neon sculpture and neon art installations
Venusian Swamp Garden II

18" x 18," height: 12"-36"
oak, neon, cast and blown glass

The Venusian Swamp Gardens continue a series of works by the artist which engage the viewer in fantasy renditions of life on Venus. The Swamp Garden is distinguished by its luminous foundation: the base pedestal is made of hand-worked oak with an underlit plexiglas foundation a neon tube that illuminates glass "stones" from below.

The Swamp Gardens are "modular" in two respects. First, there are multiple housings to hold the neon and glass "Venusian Swamp Flowers"and other components allowing many different configurations for the garden. Secondly, some pedestals are designed to join together seemlessly with other pedestals thus allowing for multiple garden configurations of various sizes and shapes. 

The bases for the Swamp Gardens come in oak, mahogany, aluminum and/or combinations of each and can be custom made to meet individual needs.