neon sculpture and neon art installations by artist Ehlenberger including modern and contemporary artwork, sconces and neon clocks
artist working in neon art & neon sculpture

The Venusian World

Venusian Landscapes

Venusian World Landscape Triptych

Venusian World Landscape Triptych
96" x 48" x 6" x three
aluminum, neon, glass lenses

Influenced by the brushed ink style of mountain landscape paintings of Medieval Japan and China, Ehlenberger began exploring the same vertical perspective in this series of works. With a focus on the rough hewn, craggy character of the mountain terrain, he adds his luminous element of back-lighting to provide an ethereal character to the sculptures.

more Venusian Landscapes:

Venusian Landscapes (vertical)

Venusian Landscapes (horizontal)






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