neon sculpture & neon art installations by artist Ehlenberger including modern & contemporary artwork, sconces & neon clocks
artist working in neon art & neon sculpture

Celebration in the Oaks

Birth of Ideas





3 black cocoons





 single black cocoon
close-up white cocoon

 Birth of Ideas
 Ten "cocoons" 72"-96" in height
 silicone, neon, PVC

The concept behind these pieces lies in the perception of light as energy and cocoons as shelters for transformation and transfiguration. Thought, lacking substance or form, consists of pure energy. This work presents a physical manifestion representing thought or ideas in a developmental state.They evolved from the conceptual manifestation of thought as energy with energy in this case represented by light in the form of neon. It is the artist's belief that light is an archetypal symbol of wisdom and knowledge as evidenced by the term "enlightened" or the phrase "like a light turning on" referencing a sudden insight. The cocoon, a shelter for transformation, in this case becomes a representation of the evolution of a thought or an idea.

Celebration in the Oaks

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