neon sculpture and neon art installations by artist Ehlenberger including modern and contemporary artwork, sconces and neon clocks
artist working in neon art & neon sculpture


The Realm of Neptune Series

 "Realm of Neptune,"  featured in this virtual neon art gallery, displaying the neon sculpture and neon art installations, including modern and contemporary art work as well as a line of neon clocks and wall sconces

72" x 24" x 5" x 6 panels
brushed aluminum, neon

The "Realm of Neptune Series" is comprised of six panels of brushed aluminum in two layers, with sandwiched jewel-like colors of neon casting light onto the background aluminum. The nature of this work varies dramatically from day to night as the rich tones of neon cast the foreground into silohuette, emphasizing the complex, winding forms. This series was premiered as part of the "Realm of Neptune" installation, a stage set designed and constructed for a dance performance at "Level," Miami Beach, Florida. For views of the complete set including views of additional work and a QuickTime movie, click here.


Below are the individual panels shown in order, left to right:


"Realm of Neptune panel 1" featured in this virtual neon art gallery, displaying the neon sculpture and neon art installations, including modern and contemporary art work as well as a line of neon clocks and wall sconces
"Realm of Neptune"
panel one



"Realm of Neptune panel 2", featured in this virtual neon art gallery, displaying the neon sculpture and neon art installations, including modern and contemporary art work as well as a line of neon clocks and wall sconces
"Realm of Neptune"
panel two



"Realm of Neptune, panel 3 " "Realm of Neptune panel 2", featured in this virtual neon art gallery, displaying the neon sculpture and neon art installations, including modern and contemporary art work as well as a line of neon clocks and wall sconces
"Realm of Neptune"
panel three



"Realm of Neptune, panel 4 " "Realm of Neptune panel 2", featured in this virtual neon art gallery, displaying the neon sculpture and neon art installations, including modern and contemporary art work as well as a line of neon clocks and wall sconces
"Realm of Neptune"
panel four



"Realm of Neptune, panel 5 ""Realm of Neptune panel 2", featured in this virtual neon art gallery, displaying the neon sculpture and neon art installations, including modern and contemporary art work as well as a line of neon clocks and wall sconces
"Realm of Neptune"
panel five



"Realm of Neptune, panel 6 " "Realm of Neptune panel 2", featured in this virtual neon art gallery, displaying the neon sculpture and neon art installations, including modern and contemporary art work as well as a line of neon clocks and wall sconces
"Realm of Neptune"
panel six



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